Monday, April 13, 2009


Ever feel like you fail at everything you do even though you don't really?  Why is it we as humans tend to focus on the negative in life?  We can have ten successes in a day and one failure can ruin everything, even if it's minimal.  Then, after that first failure we begin to note and expand every other failure in our lives.  What is wrong with us?  Or is it just me and I should be asking what's wrong with me?  Anyway, I'm out.  Rock on.


Cary said...

i absolutely hate that feeling! and it's so true too.

Last year, my first year of teaching, I tended to do that. I went through these phases of "i'm not good at anything."

It's not a healthy thing to do.

Drop me an update sometime about the job situation for next year, man. I'm excited to see where you end up!


Michelle and Jeff said...

FAIL!?! You loser, why don't you just kill yourself and write a book about it. That was the most depressing blog entry EVER! Come back when you have something good to say! LOL! Cheer up, life goes on and God has plans, maybe crackhead plans, but He has plans!

Nicole said...

This is why we should always have a list handy of people who have failed worse than us. Whip that out, take a look, feel better.