Thursday, July 10, 2008


I have just a few rambling thoughts today.  I'm sitting in the school library getting ready to read and write for a book report.  Nothing too big, just two pages.  Easy.  I do the normal routine of checking my email, facebook, my blog, etc.  Life goes on swimmingly.

Just a couple of things.  My two best friends in Warrensburg just recently moved away, far, far away.  This leaves me wondering what to do in the evenings or on days off.  I have the rest of the summer with no prospects of anyone to hang out with.  Granted, I will probably go home sometime and spend a little time with my family, maybe go visit my sister, perhaps my friend Bret, but it's just not the same as having someone here to do spur of the moment stuff with.  Plus, gas is so darn expensive it's hard to make any kind of a trip.  

So, I rent movies from the library, do youth group and Sunday School, work, and do homework.  I'm a little sick and tired of it all ready, but whatcha gonna do?  Perhaps tonight I'll go fishing.  I don't really have anyway of cleaning the fish, but oh well, that's what catch and release is for, right?  It would be nice just to go anyway.  Maybe I'll go to Country Kitchen and have a pot of coffee and write or something like that.  I have plenty I need to write.  

Next thing.  I am very political on here, it's very true.  Sorry for those of you who hate it.  I discover that sometimes I hate it too.  Like when people quote NPR like it's the most honest news source ever.  Or when someone complains about the War in Iraq like they are there and have talked to the Iraqi congress.  I also get very tired of people pointing out that the U.S. is not the greatest country in the world.  Got it.  We agree.  Nor is it the worst, or even the second best, but right on plane with a lot of other countries and (dare I say it?) better than many more!  In very few countries would you be able to complain about that country openly and without fear of reprimand or punishment.  Do we support the U.S.A. because it's the U.S.A.?  No, support what it stands for.  The Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence, and the preamble (Sing with me!  "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility. . ." School House Rock anyone?) form a foundation of what we have come to call the U.S.A.  Is it true that we are letting some of our freedoms slip away?  Yes.  But whose fault is this?  I'm sorry, I know how much we all love to hate President Bush and politicians, but seriously it is our fault, quit whining and do something about it.

Ok, I seriously was not going to make this a political thing again.  Sorry.  I suppose I don't view this stuff as politics though.  Many times these are basic Christian beliefs, pure human rights, not something given to us by a human king, president, or congressional body.  Whether you vote or not I think these things affect you every day.  

In other news, I'm broke.  Other things that are broke:  My watch band.  And I can't afford a new one.  Ack.  It's a brilliant time here in the Burg.  Rock on everyone!


TS said...

Thank you for the comment and for reading my thoughts. That is probably the most political talk one will ever hear from me. As for things breaking, I feel your pain. The sole on my dress shoe is coming apart, and it's embarrassing to walk around my office with that clapping noise.

Cary said...

your 2 best friends from the 'burg miss their friend as well.
no one to get coffee with. no one to play video games when candace is away. no one to talk about super heroes and comics or go read comics with.

anyway... stay blessed J-way. we will talk soon man.

know that you are MISSED very much!
word out!
PS. again, you'll hear more soon when i get a chance to be on the internet for more than 5 minutes.

CMJ said...

I just e-mailed you so I'm not going to say a lot.
