Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Yoga Lessons From God
Monday, August 17, 2009
Of Music and the Soul
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
More Time on the Train
There are things in this world that cause me to shift my focus. I think that part of what makes me me is the fact that I usually make the choice for that shift to be for the positive. Over the years I have found myself in some disappointing, difficult, and not altogether proud moments. In a couple of weeks I will be moving in with my Grandmother. Why? Two fold. Partially because I would like to spend some time with my Grandma while I can, but also because I have no where else to go. No job (though a handful of prospects), no home, nothing else to shoot for other than getting a job. I’m at a stage in life where I can’t move anywhere else until I have a job. I would really like the opportunity to teach, to do theatre, to grow myself and my resume in that direction. I’m not sure that I will be given that opportunity, but perhaps. It will take time to tell but it could certainly still happen. There is a large part of me that is anxious about what my future holds, but there is another part of me that is excited, terribly excited, to see where things will go. I’m desperate for the opportunity to teach, to show my ability and my prowess in a real situation. A situation where people can’t say, “Oh, but you’re just a substitute, that’s different” or, “You were just a student and that makes a difference”. The biggest frustration for me is the knowledge that if I were given the chance, oh what a difference I could make. For some reason though, I am having an awful time getting people to give me the chance. Other people fall into situations, and I have fallen into my fair share, but it seems sometimes that I can work and work for a chance but am never given the opportunity for whatever reason. In the past I’ve had some very erroneous ideas about how jobs work and what jobs I was qualified for. I have a much better understanding of the market I’m in now (though not a total understanding I must admit) and feel very confident, no not confident, very energized about what I can do and about what I will learn to do. My whole life has been on lesson after another, perhaps the greatest of which was to recognize a lesson from life when it presents itself and to pay attention. In a very unsure stage in my life I find the definites and hold on to them. God is a definite, my love for theatre, and my passion for teaching are also definites. I am so thankful for these assurances. I do sometimes doubt my chances of getting a job in what I want, my ability to get into a doctoral program not to mention whether I will be able to handle the work or not. Long hours of studying and reading and writing. No matter what though, I know where I need to end up and that is in the classroom teaching theatre. I know it may not happen now or next year, but someday, whether its in high school or college, I know that’s where I need to be. That’s where I was made to be.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Cuppa Joe
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Then With Alcoholic Talkativeness.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Brother, can you spare a dime?
What a fascinating modern age we live in. It seems as though everything we as Americans once knew is coming to an end. With the economy in complete turmoil everything seems to be topsy turvy. We all have questions on our mind. What will happen? Will I still have a job in three months? Will I still have a home in four? Will the stimulus package work? What will happen if it doesn’t? We see our hopes and dreams dangling delicately in the balance. As painful as that is, I cannot help but hear my grandmother’s voice in my head saying, “I told you so.”
The worst part is, she is right. For generations now, since the end of the Great Depression, credit has been a way of life. Credit card, loan, and interest are household words. My grandmother always said, “You can’t spend money you don’t have.” Well, as it turns out, she seems to be right. As I watch the Dow Jones slide further and further down, though perhaps not as fast as in October, my financial mistakes, and the mistakes of society in general come into prime focus.
I owe a lot of money. I owe on a credit card for this laptop, but mostly I owe for student loans. Without these loans I never would have been able to go to college. This is how I justified them. I would go to college, get an education and then make enough money to pay them back in a timely manner. Now I see this may have been erroneous, and as the economic climate grows darker (though not nearly as bad as we’d like to think) I’m having to face a painful reality that maybe I will not be making the big bucks as I had hoped ... as I had counted on. So what do I do? I keep doing what I do. I love to teach, and one way or the other that is what I will do.
The main question that resounds in everybody’s head is, “Could we have prevented this, can we stop it?” The answers, respectively, are no and no. We could not have prevented this, though we could have made it less painful, and we cannot stop it, though we can help each other and make it less disastrous. Due to the fact we all have, or rather many of us have, debt, our economy is in crisis. President Obama says, to fix this we must be able to borrow more money on credit from the banks. I firmly assert that this is an awful mistake. Borrowing will help us now perhaps, but what happens in ten years, when we are even more in debt, and the economy takes another down turn? Are we going to look to the federal government to make it possible for us to borrow more money?
We should have listened to my grandma. Right from the start. With credit and loans we get things we want, things the neighbors have, things our parents never dreamt of having. However, when a recession hits, it hits us hard because we have nothing to fall back on. No savings, at least none after creditors have their way with you, no bonds, no stocks worth mentioning, nothing but the hands of those who want to be paid. When I asked my grandma if she remembered the stock market crash of 1929 she said, “Yes. I remember it in the newspaper.” I was so excited to hear about people jumping off of buildings and the like, however she went on to say, “But we didn’t notice. We were poor before, and we were poor after.”
Perhaps she was onto something there. It is true, our economy has never been higher than it was in the last few years, but maybe that just sets us up for failure. Maybe we need to live with less, deal with not as much, learn to live without those products we get from China. Maybe if we just lived with what we need instead of what we want, when the next recession comes, we won’t feel it as much. Maybe it will be like my grandma says. Maybe we won’t be poor before, we’ll just be living like it, but the point is we won’t be poor after either. At least not destitute. If something must have money we could pay in cash, instead of relying on credit.
This idea definitely would change how we run our lives. First off, I would not be in college. I would be somewhere else, doing something else. Who knows what. I would not be writing this on my lap top, but rather on a piece of paper, or on the computer at the public library. Are these sacrifices I would be willing to give up? Apparently not, cause I am still in school, I still have this lap top, and I have no plans to pawn it. But maybe we should teach our children to live without credit. Get out of debt now, and live a life free of loans.
It is true that this would change everything we know. Perhaps we cannot do it. I don’t know if I can, but it is just a thought. Something worth considering, and something certainly worth trying. Who knows how things will turn out.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Just a few thoughts regarding what freedom is. Freedom is being able to think for yourself. To make decisions according to what you believe. Freedom is being able to do what you want to do, without anyone telling you what is best for your life. Freedom is knowing that you are in charge of your life, that nobody else has a say in how you conduct your life. Freedom is knowing that hope lies in being free, maintaining the rights of yourself as well as the rights of others from being corrupted by rulers, authorities, governments, lobbyists, or other people.
I feel that freedom, in this sense, is being tested due to the current president. That is not to say that it is because of President Obama. Rather it is to say that people have forgotten what it means to be free and have placed their hopes, dreams, confidence, desires, needs, and their all on a man. This is neither effective nor fair to President Obama. Freedom is not a man. It is an idea. To place hope in a man will surely end in failure of the man, or failure of freedom. Freedom must remain an idea. Something we all strive for together.
We cannot say that Obama is our hope, when truly our hope is in the constitution and the rights and responsibilities it places before us. It is wrong to state that the president, the person or the office, has any influence over our inalienable rights. At least I hope that we have not come so far that the Bill of Rights is now not subject to basic human rights, but rather the whim of congress, the president, or the supreme court. Let’s have a quick civics lesson.
We the people, of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.
Wow. Some awesome stuff there that seems to have gone by the wayside. First off, and I stress, “We the people”. That means us. Not congress, not the president, but every one of us that call ourselves American citizens. We decided to form a more perfect union (just closer to perfection, not perfect). The supreme court, which represents justice, yeah, we established that. It’s ours. Everyone has a constitutional right to domestic tranquility, that is peace in our home towns, not disturbed by the government. Stop looking to the CIA, FBI, Army, Navy, Air force, and Marines to make decisions for you, cause it’s our call. Not a general’s. But it doesn’t stop there. We’re also responsible for promoting the general welfare. That means that we must take care of each other. We aren’t to let the government do it for us, but rather we are to do it ourselves. Cause we’re Americans. It’s what we do. Help each other to become stronger. Secure the blessings of liberty. Make sure that liberty is around so that everyone in America can benefit from it. And not just this generation, but make sure that it’s around for the next and the next. We the people, do ordain and establish. We wrote the constitution. It’s very clear. We don’t need a judge telling us what it means, or congress making rules to keep us in line with it, or a president to decide which direction we should take it. Those positions are just a generalized face on a big nation. They are at the service of the people (not to be confused with being at the whim of the people). They have the authority they have not to guide us, for we exist to guide them, but rather to provide balance between each branch of that generalization of America.
All this to say, if you are hoping in a president, a member of congress, or a supreme court justice to make things better, you’ve missed the point of being an American. If you want others to make decisions for you there are plenty of other forms of government we can live under. But democracy, for all its imperfections, is the only form of government which lives under the people. It is a delicate position. One that requires constant vigilance. Our fore fathers tried to make that clear in the preamble of the constitution. It seems, though, we have either changed our minds, or forgotten. I suppose if we have changed our minds that is all right, that is what democracy is about. Just make sure that you have changed your mind and that someone else hasn’t changed it for you.
Freedom is free. There will always be those who desire to take it from you, under all kinds of pretenses, which is why it must be upheld, guarded, and most of all exercised.
Monday, January 5, 2009
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
I find myself longing deeply for a simpler life. One uncomplicated by television, bureaucracy, electronics. We are a social race, we need to laugh, play, dace, and sing with friends and family. Some how we are defying nature and becoming more and more secluded. I find a lot of damage in our society due to this odd condition. We will all sit in a movie and wish we had a group of friends to hang out with daily just like those actors do on the screen, we will watch Christmas specials on tv and lament the fact that Christmas is too commercial and has lost that special spark like what is exhibited on the television, but we will not focus on bringing Christmas to others. Once upon a time, not so very long ago, people danced, laughed and listened to music in such a way that was respectful and fun to each other. This may have come in the form of square dancing, swing dancing, jitter bugging, or even the mashed potato. I think we have lost a definate grasp on life. The objects we cling to so desperate have spun us out of control. Naturally we do the only thing we know to do, we look right back at those objects, but instead of comfort we find confusion and keep running and spinning.
I would like to challenge everyone to take a day and do something just for fun, something you don’t normally do, and see how much fun it is. The other day I was walking home and saw the painted bars on the crosswalk. Remembering the movie Elf I chuckled to myself and thought, “That crazy elf, jumping from one bar to the other. It looked like fun, I wish I could do that.” Then I thought, why the heck don’t I? And that’s exactly what I did, and I had so much fun, I did it at two other cross walks on the way home. This did not involve anything much except that I had to take the time to walk home, and then realize that I really had nothing to hurry home to, and then realize that it wouldn’t take any time away anyway and would be a blast!
Funny how we rationalize things. I’m too grown up, too dignified, too important, too unimportant. Really what we are is scared and lonely. We are social creatures. We feel safe in numbers, we have fun with others, we find joy in the joy of those around us. A video game is so much more fun with a partner than it is alone. Even more fun than playing tennis on Wii, take a chance and go to a court with a friend and try to learn to play, even if you hate it, it will be a blast. Why stay in? Because you don’t have to get dressed up? Because you can be a little lazier? Because you can save money? Is it really worth it though? Not at all. So invite some people over and dance! Put on a tie or a skirt (whatever is appropriate...or makes you comfortable) and discover the world and how joyful it is once you separate yourself from what you own, and join yourself to what nature has blessed us with. A communal spirit, a joyful heart, a mind that can discover new ways to have fun, and hands and feet to accomplish it all.
If any of you want to get together and dance, sing, play a terrible game of tennis, or just have a cup of coffee and laugh at how silly our lives are, please give me a call. I’m tired to spending my time with my television and my lap top.